Thursday, February 4, 2010

Found in Breast Cancer Patients

Breast cancer and cervical cancer (cervical) cancer cases were recorded the largest. The number of breast cancer is still the biggest trend is only just beginning to decline.

According to him, most cancer cases were breast cancer and cervical cancer. We have given priority cancer control program at the highest cancer of cervix cancer and breast with the formation of early detection of the pilot projects in 6 provinces (6th district) and its development until the currently running in 11 districts / cities, using the method of Visual Inspection with Acetic Acid (VIA) and Clinical Breast Examination (CBE).

Many problems and obstacles facing such as lack of information about cancer to the public, the public perception of cancer that is not true as incurable cancer, a shameful disease, and believes in the occult in the treatment of cancer the lack of public awareness in preventing cancer as early as possible. On the program, the cancer has not become a priority, especially in the area.

Primary prevention is the promotion, education, healthy lifestyles and preventing risk factors for cancer and the assessment and development of certain vaccines.

Program early detection of cervical cancer and breast cancer have a target of 80% of women aged 30-50 years for the screening which is expected to avoid both these cancers. In the year 2014 Ministry of Health 25% target districts / cities will implement early detection of cervical cancer with IVA and breast cancer with CBE. Breast cancer and cervical cancer (cervical) cancer cases were recorded the largest. The number of breast cancer is still the biggest trend is only just beginning to decline.

Correct the Eye

I have friends in Asia (China, right), most of them women, for centuries. Personal, so I do not understand how a big problem, but this is, if bit 'sad, because you can not correct the eye. I have a friend who is really a new force of cosmetic mháinliacht in Miami, in the eyes. He said the first of its courage in cosmetic surgery. But it is where questions and get expert advice available online. He believes that it is an important step to further study before determining whether the activity performed.

Of course, found that plastic surgery is a common cause. Moreover consultation, received final approval from the doctor right or not at least sunscreen. The doctor said it was a good candidate. So a few days after the hearing decided order an end, new plastic surgery in Miami you should visit the site in consultation before the decision.